Ruth is a 4th year undergraduate student in the department of Cognitive Science at Carleton University. She is a member of the Cognitive Modeling Lab and also involved in the Cognitive Science Department and in student life at Carleton.
Ruth is pursuing an Honours Bachelor of Cognitive Science with a concentration in Neuroscience within the AI and Cognitive Modeling Stream with a minor in Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Ruth is a student researcher completing her thesis under the supervision of Dr. Robert West. Her thesis focuses on researching the application of the Python Common Model of Cognition (Python CMC) towards the cognitive modelling of reactions to interruptions within a café environment. This is a part of the greater Lofi Café project.
She is a recipient of the SSHRC Undergraduate Student Research Award.
Ruth is a research assistant working with Brendan Conway-Smith to improve a cognitive science course curriculum as part of the Students as Partners Program (SAPP).
Ruth is an editor and writer for the Carleton University Journal of Cognitive Science (CUJCS).
Research Interests:
- Cognitive Modeling
- Metacognition
- Equity, diversity and inclusion
- Cognitive development
- Mental health and neurodiversity
- Artificial intelligence
Nobossi, R. (2024). The Privacy Paradox. Carleton Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science, 1.
Kitsemetry, L., Nobossi, R., Schmidt, A., & Uppal, A. (2024). The Effect of Language Modality on Embodied Cognition. Carleton Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science, 1.